Singing Guide: Roman Scandals

Singing Guide: Roman Scandals

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Singer and actor, Eddie Cantor, starred in many films and Broadway shows, but 1933’s Roman Scandals was a standout success that brought him national fame. A common misconception of the film lies in the assumption that the plot and cast were of “Roman” origin--in reality, the film is set in contemporary America. The title refers to the use of references to ancient Rome throughout the picture.

The soundtrack of the film was highly praised and distinctive, with Eddie Cantor showcasing his unique vocal technique. Cantor was known for his comedic, high-pitched singing. Cantor’s voice often utilized a mix of falsetto and chest voice, giving him an impressively wide range.

If you want to learn to sing like Eddie Cantor, a good place to start is by learning how to sing with falsetto and chest voice. It’s important to master the technique without straining your vocal cords.

Singing Carrots’ pitch monitoring and pitch accuracy test are great tools to help you improve your vocal technique. Additionally, our warm-up exercises and pitch training will help you develop control over your vocals.

To truly emulate Cantor’s style, look to songs like “Give Yourself A Pat On The Back” and “No, No, Nora”, where he showcases his unique vocal range. Be sure to focus on Cantor’s use of stylized “laughing” or “catching” voices, effectively combining voice and character performance.

Remember to take good care of your voice by staying hydrated, practicing good posture, and taking breaks during longer rehearsal and singing sessions. With sufficient practice, dedication, and some help from Singing Carrots’ resources, you can learn to sing like Eddie Cantor in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.